Project Success
The success of this project was evident in the bank’s subsequent decisions to roll out further applications that leveraged the Assure platform – EoD pricing, Equity Derivatives Pricing and Client Valuations Price Verification
Single Price Conformity
Ensures that every line of business in the bank, in any given price-zone, uses an officially approved End-of-Day price for Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, Futures and Interest Rate Derivatives. Prices are snapped from multiple market data vendors at the end of each price-zone day and are immediately verified using tests such as cross-source comparison and market movement tolerance. Price exceptions are quickly cleansed using Assure’s workflow with four-eyes approval of price repairs.
Rolling EoD Pricing
Like Intra-day pricing, any line of business across the globe can be provided with an officially approved End of Day price to the nearest half hour.
Equity Derivatives Pricing
Collects and verifies implied volatility surface data for over twenty five thousand equity derivatives.
Client Valuations Price Verification
Reconciles trader-provided prices to ‘Books and Records’ prices and also to external comparative data sources for thousands of derivatives, credit, equity and debt instruments.